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Customer Satisfaction Survey
Who received services at the QEH? *
If you had important questions regarding your condition or treatment, were you able to find someone to answer your questions? *
Were the answers that staff provided to your questions presented in a way that you could understand? *
How would you rate the skills of our staff in meeting or exceeding your expectations? *
How satisfied were you with the courtesy of the staff that treated you or your loved one? *
How would you rate the availability of the QEH staff? *
Did you or your loved one feel that you were treated with respect and dignity? *
How would you rate how well the staff worked together? *
Overall, how satisfied were you with the treatment and care you or your loved one received at the QEH? *
Overall, how satisfied were you with the QEH? *
Would you recommend the QEH to your family or friends? *
Finally, would you like to speak with someone at the QEH about your experience?

Tell us how we may contact you

To discuss your experience more thoroughly with a QEH representative, please provide your name and contact information below.
Enter your 10-digit telephone number
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